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A road to the Mountains

The Best Areas for American Expats to Live in Chile

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Chile is home to over 17,000 American expats and many more English speaking expats from all over the world. But where do most of the expats live? What areas attract expats and why? In this article we will go over some of the most popular areas of Chile for expats.

A farm in front of the mountains

Why buy my book “The Ultimate Guide to Immigrating to Chile”

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We have 4 chapters on real estate written by real estate professionals – one on rentals with links to rental properties, one on how to purchase a property, the third on real estate in the Maule region written by Darren Kaiser, and the last on real estate in Los Lagos region.

Volcano Osorno and Volcano Calbuco over Lago LLanquihue

Geography of Chile

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Chile ranges from 17 degrees south to 56 degrees south longitude making it 2,653 miles long with over 4,000 miles of coastline but only 110 miles wide on average. It is the longest and narrowest country in the world bordered by the Andes Mountains to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west with a smaller coastal mountain range. It is 292,000 square miles making it a bit bigger by 22,000 square miles of the state of Texas.

The marble caves of Lago General Carrera in the Aysen Region

How to get a tourist visa to visit Chile

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Americans, Canadians, Latin Americans, and Europeans for the most part can come to Chile as a tourist and do not have to apply for a tourist visa before arriving.

Osorno volcano

Why Move to Chile?

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Chile is the 2nd freest country in all of the Americas and 22nd freest in the world ahead of the USA. These numbers are based on rule of law, government size, regulatory efficiency, and open markets. Chile has a growing economy producing and growing products that are sold all over the world. The government has a low debt and low corruption levels.