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Los Aromos

USDA Plant Hardiness Zones in Chile

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Curabitur tortor ligula, luctus sit amet cursus eu, commodo quis nisl. Sed eu pharetra sapien. Morbi et velit dui. Nunc ullamcorper ante ligula. Curabitur risus enim, imperdiet vitae diam et, maximus blandit magna. Nullam laoreet a est et ultrices. Aenean pretium orci ac nisi luctus maximus. Fusce consequat accumsan mauris in molestie.


The Climates of Chile

Chile has 3 major climate classifications based on the Koppen Classification System. The system is based on patterns of seasonal precipitation and temperature. This divides Chile into 3 zones – the arid north, the central Mediterranean, the southern oceanic climates.

Volcano Osorno and Volcano Calbuco over Lago LLanquihue

Geography of Chile

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Chile ranges from 17 degrees south to 56 degrees south longitude making it 2,653 miles long with over 4,000 miles of coastline but only 110 miles wide on average. It is the longest and narrowest country in the world bordered by the Andes Mountains to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west with a smaller coastal mountain range. It is 292,000 square miles making it a bit bigger by 22,000 square miles of the state of Texas.